Monday, October 29, 2007


We are back from the desert and beyond. It was beautiful and vast and very, very windy. The same wind collapsing (and blowing away) our tent was fueling fires in so cal. Check out this satellite image with smoke, dust AND Von Karman vorticies. More of our photos on flickr.

Apparently Ive been tagged by Jena at eloomnation. Ive never done one of these so I supposed Ill give it a go. There are also apparently rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 3 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

well then, here I go:

  1. Im currently obsessed with tweed chickens.
  2. I am a closeted (or maybe not so closeted) crazy cat lady. I have been hoarding the brushings from my cat apollo and plan to spin his fur into yarn and knit him a hat (or maybe sweater.)
  3. I once had a pet duck. It met its demise at a young age at the beak of a hawk.
  4. I have spent a lot of time sailing small boats. In high school it was every weekend, and in college it was 5 days a week. This is funny because I hate getting wet.
  5. I have an immense collection of jackets. I love coats, sweaters, fuzzy things--you get the picture. Again this is funny because I have spent most of my life living in northern California where to most peoples observations it does not appear cold.
  6. I can do a fairly accurate chicken impersonation. (these are turning out very poultry-related arent they...)
  7. I cant think of a seventh interesting/quirky item right now, maybe someone can leave one in the comments?
And now to pass it on: Amber at Yarn Junkie, Carmen at Rosebrier and Cara at Craftin On the Couch. If being tagged makes you upset then ignore me!

1 comment:

Filipino Women for Marriage said...

Nice to be visiting your blog again, it has been months for me.