This is the current state of our move (well, as of this morning). Believe it or not, there are way more packed boxes than unpacked boxes, most of which are squirreled away in closets and corners.
We got keys to our new place today and were happy to discover that it's larger than we remembered so our mountains of crap might even fit. Moving is a good time to take inventory of ones things and I've been trying to reassess. I'm really not kidding anyone here, I'm terrible at parting with things that could be potential craft material, but I did say try....
We had one last sunny Sunday morning to enjoy and now it's goodbye to all that. Wednesday is the big day but you can rest assured that I'll be preoccupied about it for the next two days and probably be so distracted at work that I'll have to go move a carload just to feel better.
Important things I have learned in this experience:
I have a serious OCD side. To me, this isn't normally obvious but the last few weeks it's been on display and driving N crazy.
Compared to the volume of stuff we have boxed up we really don't have much furniture. Just piles and piles of crap. Unfortunately I think the new place will need additional furniture just to accommodate the crap.
I now own more fiber than yarn (by volume). This might not be that surprising due to the packing capability of yarn except that I only recently started spinning and even more recently buying fiber.
I own far more fabric than either fiber or yarn and it's the heaviest. The fabric had been accumulating in the closet where I never saw it all together so I didn't even really know how much was in there. Needless to say there is a fair amount. This goes well with my three sewing machines (and upcoming back-ache).
I might actually enjoy having walls. Oh, and cupboard space. The dishwasher wont hurt either. After we move I can look back at this loft/studio/attic/greenhouse and get nostalgic, but right now I am just ready to get this over with!